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Searches already extinct

Main Animals in Extinction in the World


African wild-ass : 

species critically endangered. 
This donkey, native to the African continent, 
suffered many years with the destruction of its 
habitats and predatory hunting. 
He is considered the ancestor of the domestic donkey.






African penguin:

inhabitants of the southwest coast of Africa, 
this species is considered vulnerable. 
The African penguin gradually disappeared, 
and the big problem was the oil spills in the ocean.






Hawaiian monk seal:

species in danger of extinction, these seals inhabit 
the Hawaiian archipelago. They suffer greatly from 
the pollution of the seas, predatory hunting, 
illegal trade, among others. It is estimated that 
there are currently about 1000 animals.






Red wolf:

native to North America, this species was almost 
extinct in the 80's. The main causes were the 
destruction of its habitat and predatory politics 
and hunting of the time.








Asian elephant:

species considered in danger of extinction. 
This animal suffers greatly with the destruction
 of its habitat as well as the illegal hunting 
destined to the commerce of ivory.

Smaller than African elephants, the species is 
exploited for tourism and as a means of transport. 
It is important to note that this elephant, 
in the Hindu religion, is associated with the figure 
of Ganesha, God of wisdom.




Bengal tiger:

native to South Asia, this species is considered to be 
in danger of extinction. It has decreased considerably 
as a result of the fur trade, the destruction of its habitat

and illegal hunting.

According to surveys, there are currently less than

2,000 in the world.
In Pakistan this species is extinct.



Tuna-blue : 

found in the Mediterranean Sea, 
the exacerbated consumption of this fish resulted 
in a considerable decrease of the species.

Considered the largest and most valued tuna in the world, 
it is much appreciated in Japanese cuisine as an ingredient 
for the sushi and sashimi.


native of the Iberian peninsula, 
this animal is considered a species 
in critical danger of extinction.

The great problem faced by this feline, 
existing only in Portugal and Spain, is the degradation 
of its habitat. According to research, there are currently 
less than 200 species.



Tasmanian Devil:

native of the island of Tasmania, Australia, 
this marsupial is considered in danger of extinction. 
The factors that have caused its decrease are the illegal 
hunting, trampling, destruction of its habitat and diseases.




native to New Zealand, this species of bird is classified as 
critically endangered.

Also known as parrot-owl, these animals are nocturnal. 
The main cause of the decline of the species was a 
consequence of illegal hunting for trade of its meat and feathers.

Other endangered animals in the world are:

Blue Whale
Monarch butterfly
Mountains gorilla
giant panda

White Northern Rhinoceros
Zebra de grévy
Oragontango of Sumatra

Giant turtle
Bactrian Camel
Mountains gorilla

Atlas Bear
Leather turtle
Loon duck
Chinese River Dolphin

Alligator from China
Asian lion
Persian Leopard
Snow Leopard
Rhino of Java

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